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Paint the Town
Summer 2021
Paint the Town is the action packed story of Imani, a street artist in Atlanta GA, taking a wild and creative ride around the city on his paint powered hoverboard bringing a new splash of color to his surroundings. This collaborative project was created as an introduction piece to the SCAD Atlanta Film Festival.
I had the privilege to direct, produce and animate this piece along with an amazingly talented team of artists and storytellers.
The newest skill I developed during this film was previsualization and camera layout. Translating storyboards into 3D space was a fun challenge that helped my love of animation to grow, because I was able to focus on how camera staging enhances storytelling, the energy of a film and the audience's experience.
Below are the shots I was responsible for animating.
Displays Imani's fun personality and energetic style of graffiti. Animation dynamic combination of acting and prop animation. Responsible for 3D character and camera animation.
This shot is used as a transition from the first, high paced sequence of Paint the Town to the calm, low energy moment with Imani in the alleyway. Latter half of the animation focuses on intimate facial animation. Responsible for 3D character animation.
This final shot of Paint the Town showcases dynamic camera angles and movement in union with character animation. Responsible for 3D character and camera animation.
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